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Using tools that generate frequencies to assisting in healing and a positive addition to any healing regimen. This class will introduce you to how to incorporate frequencies as a part of your client's or your own healing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Releasing trapped emotions, which is generally to root cause of many of our "dis-ease" is the key to becoming healthy and whole. The frequencies "shakes things up" making it easier to release from the bodies.


Good tuning forks are necessary, it must hold the tone and frequency for a longer period and be true pitched. I have purchased and returned quite a few before finding the right ones. Below are the links to Amazon for the five that I am currently using...


These can be purchase from Amazon:

  • 432 Hz Tuning Fork - Heart Frequency

  • 528 Hz Tuning Fork - Healing at the DNA level

  • 417 Hz Tuning Fork - Releasing Trauma

  • 396 Hz Tuning Fork - Releasing Guilt [optional due to cost]

  • 174 Hz Tuning Fork - Physical Body Healing [optional due to cost]


Purchase your own set prior to the class, Gayle will have a set that she will be using and that attendees can use to experience the amazing experience of healing with sound and vibration.

Healing with Tuning Forks

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